For a more detailed yet still compact image of our capabilities please access the presentation below:
We commit to these principles:
Safety First
We have been mentioned and awarded as one of the most safety aware service company by Contractors and Drilling Companies
Read moreCustomer Satisfaction
We use our technical background and experience as a tool to reach and exceed the customer goals in the most efficient and economically viable way.
Read moreProject Monitoring
We keep close contact with the contractors to monitor project efficiency, further development and continuous technical assistance on and off-site.
Read moreWe're delivering with excellence
Full Services &Custom Solutions
Specialized Equipment
Personnel Protection
Our engineers have been
Trained and Accredited in the following fields of expertise:
CompEx - Global Competency Scheme
Our Electrical Engineers are accredited for preparation, installation, maintenance and inspection of ATEx Certified Systems.
NOV Rig Solutions
AC&DC Top Drives Operation, Planned Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
Compulsory Training and Certification for Offshore Operations
MI Swaco
Solids Control and Drilling Waste Management Equipment, Procedures and Project Management.
Preventive Maintenance, Maintenance, Repairs and Overhauls for SC & DWM Equipment.
NOV Brandt
Solids Control and Drilling Waste Management Equipment, Procedures and Project Management.

Drilling Waste Management, Offshore

Drilling Waste Management, Onshore

Drilling Waste Management, Offshore

Drilling Waste Management, Onshore

Project Management & monitoring
Our job is not done when the project ends. We keep close contact with the contractors to monitor project efficiency, further development and continuous technical assistance on and off-site.
Safety first. We comply to the highest safety standards on all our projects and processes.
Our Engineers are trained and accredited for performed operations.
We pride ourselves with an extensive experience and numerous case studies around the world.
Major SC Equipment Overhauls
completed in 2017
Complete and Certified SC & DWM Rental Systems
available for the European Market
days of site technical support
in 2017
Shale Shaker Screens on stock
for the European Market